CARRIE FLINT is a highly experienced, award-winning physical education teacher, adapted physical education specialist, and national PE presenter. She has taught all grade levels and has trained PE teachers across the country and served on her own state’s committee for the Physical Education Curriculum Framework.
Carrie is known for her passion for physical fitness and helping all students see themselves as winners. She has dozens of ideas for getting students engaged, managing the class and materials, using positive play, and cooperative activities to promote full inclusion for all students. You will find Carrie’s seminars fast moving and filled with practical ideas that can be immediately incorporated into your own physical education program.
101 Strategies to Improve Your Physical Education Program
Distance Learning: Strengthening Online PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTION
Growth Mindset in Physical Education
Peaceful Playgrounds Free Webinars
DO-ABLE PE….for the PE & Classroom Teacher
Teaching the Mind, Body, and Heart of Every Student (The Value of a Quality Physical Education Program)
Step Up to the Plate and Hit a Home Run (Overcome Obstacles Teaching the least valued and yet the most important subject.)
MMM….. Music, Movement, Motivation (Create Engaging Lessons)
Take Charge of Your Kingdom (Why and How to Create a Safe Positive Learning Environment)
You are Your Child’s Best Advocate (Gain a better understanding of the IEP process and advocate for your child)
“I am #151 at Eucalyptus” The impact you have on every student.